Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almost wordless Wednesday.

I took my camera for a walk this morning. 

letuce mix is ready to start being used
strawberries are blooming

Lilacs are blooming

The very last bulb blooming

Peas and antique tiller. 


Pumpking, with the shell husk still attached. 
Mushrooms, just because....

Square foot garden vegies.

Yellow Pansy, so pretty.  I hate that they are almost done blooming already. 

Watering can along sidewalk.

Peonie bud


pansies are gorgeous

pansy, do these come up yearly? 

And that's what it's looking like around my homestead.  I saw my first humming bird yesterday.  It's so nice to finally have spring like weather. 

Thanks for looking and have a great day!



  1. Thanks for the lovely pictures. I felt as if I was on that walk with you. : )

  2. Every photo is fabulous!!
    Blessings - LORi BOYD


Thanks for commenting, they really do brighten my day!