1. Married? Yes.
2. Kids? 1 girl
3. Where do you live? PA
4. Favorite color? green.
5. Do you scrapbook or makes cards? Or Both? both
6. What is your style (heritage, modern, funky)? varies
7. Do you have a cb? Looking for any folders specifically? yes, swiss dots
8. Do you have the baby bug or Expression? b bug
9. What is your favorite cart? all of them
10. What is your favorite restraunt? see blog
11. Favorite Craft sotre? Michaels (it's all we have) ACM, it's all I've got!
12. Any items on your wish list? see blog list
13. Do you have an atg gun? No...something to wish for?
14. Favorite candy? Gertrude Hawk Vanilla Caramels
15. Milk or dark chocolate? milk
16. Do you drink coffee? Gross! Diet cherry pepsi for me!
17. Are you a morning or afternoon person?neither
18. Do you bbq? Tons. Our house is the party house and we have a permanent camp site in the summer.
19. Favorite food? Anything I don't have to cook!!!!