
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Square Foot Garden Spring Planting

We are just about finished planting our first veggies for this year.  We have just a few more spots open that will get later plantings of the same veggies. 

We have planted:
Red Onions
White Onions
Spanish Onions
Spring Onions
Lettuce Mix
Hot Peppers
Sweet Pepper

We will be sewing Red Beets and Radishes today in the remaining open spaces.   
We are planning on another 4X4 garden for strawberries, and a container for asparagus.  

In this smaller planter we planted chives. 

I can't wait to see what we get as a harvest.  If nothing else it's been fun learning about how different plants grow, the space they need and how much it actually costs to grow your own food. 
I've dedicated a pinterest board to gardening if you would like some additional ideas on how you can  start your own garden in the space you have.  We have a few acres of land, but I needed to keep the garden close to the house and manageable.  I'm hoping this will be the key to a successful garden, and help if only a little bit reduce our families carbon foot print. 

Thanks for stopping by and happy gardening!

1 comment:

  1. What a yummy garden! I'm going to talk to Jeff about this. It's probably too late here for this year, but we could start planning for next year!


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