
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pretty In the Park Studio Calico Challenge

Have you scheduled your scrap time this week?  If not I have the perfect challenge for you.  It's based on the season where you live.  Think about your local park, what inspires you there?  I want you to think about the colors you see and scrap with them.  Nature is the best inspirations and all the colors in nature go together beautifully wether it's the blues and whites of winter, the bright summer colors, or the reds and orange of fall.  So what's the season where you live? Now it's up to you, pull out that phone, or calender or whatever it is you use to keep organized and pencil in an hour of scrap time! 

To play along upload your project to the Studio Calico gallery and link it to the thread HERE to be eligible for a Studio Calico gift certificate. 

Next weeks challenge is all about Halloween!  We will be getting ready for those ghosts and goblins to visit so be sure to stop back next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Love this layout! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following you now! :) p.s. I just completed the banner challenge, I'll load it up later today!


Thanks for commenting, they really do brighten my day!