
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My day went from....

Just being a normal day, cleaning, laundry and the like to a total disaster!  I got up and started a load of laundry, put cleaning stuff in the tub to clean the jets and went downstairs to have breakfast. When I came back up I folded a load of laundry and started the next, now I'm getting ready to clean when I notice a cloud of foam coming out of the bathroom! OMG! Dishwasher soap and clorox aren't suposed to make suds! It's how the directions say to clean the jets and I've been doing it that way for 5 years! Now let me start by saying this photo is after I walked in the bathroom with suds up to my chest and tried to get rid of some. When Ashlyn yelled water is coming through the lights downstairs I figured I might need a photo for insurance purposes! 

To top things off the electrical outlets in the entire side of the house aren't working now! 

If bad things happen in 3's, I'm in trouble!!!!!!

Bet you can't top my bad day! 


  1. OMG, Joyce!!!!
    Wow! You poor guys! Sorry :(

  2. oh no!! what a mess...sorry you have to deal with that!

  3. OH NO!! I have only seen that on TV. Wonder what went wrong.

  4. omg! no way! that sucks

    but can i please laugh at Ed holding his head, LOL

  5. Oh No!!!!! On the bright side - think of the scrapbook pages you can get out of this :) Keep you chin up!

  6. Joyce, I am holding my head with you...please tell me what you did wrong so I don't repepat it!! And that's a lot of soapy water, you just need a whole bunch of rubber duckies to top this off!!
    Your Ed has a great sense of humor, too!!
    Hope tomorrow goes better, and don't feel bad. I am sure I would do the same thing!!

  7. EEK! Poor Love. Sending hugs your way, pronto!

  8. oh Joyce, I am so sorry! What a mess and a hassle. (I'll remember what can happen when I clean the jets on our tub)

  9. oh, so sorry. At least you caught it, and it's not rodents eating the pipes, right? (that's what happened to my sil)

  10. OH, my word! You poor thing! What in the world went wrong? Yuck! Hope they can fix things soon!

  11. Oh, NO Sweetie PIe!!! That is aweful. So sorry. Hpe it cleans up and is fixed soon! Ugh...I hate days like that......sorry!!!!

  12. You have days like I do...
    so sorry it turned out this way and hope everything is back to normal soon!

  13. Oh my gosh, I don't know what to say. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. You poor thing. I hope all will be repaired and everything back to good working order very quickly. Hugs.

  14. Oh WOW! I have no idea what else to say...except OH WOW. While it sucks that this happened, I'm glad the damage wasn't more extensive. However, your husband seems to have a bit of a sense humor about it. I hope you can get it all repaired soon and will minimal cost.

  15. Oh no! I'm really sorry for your misfortune. Hopes things get sorted out soon.

  16. Oh my, oh my, I am seriously sorry you're having to deal with that- so stressful (I can offer to eat a cookie for you if that will help)- you should have some chocolate at least, and I hope your day gets better {hugs}!

  17. Oh my goodness Joyce!!! That is crazy!!!! I'm so sorry that happened, I hope it gets resolved quickly for you all!

  18. What an awful day! I'm so sorry! I hope you get to play with your Bombshells soon...


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