
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a month or so....

Thanks for hanging in there with me through vacation, Ashlyn's surgery, prom, Dad's retirement party and soon to be graduation and graduation party.  Then I hope to be back to scrapping something daily.  My studio is very lonely but I'm loading up on photos to keep me busy for the next year!  After all creating the moments to remember is what preserving our memories in a scrapbook is all about. 

My Dad's retirement party was the best.  I cried like a baby, and he got the best retirement gift ever.  His orange tractor sure was better than any gold watch and he will get so much use out of it.  He has never owned a new tractor and has wanted one forever. 

Then Ashlyn looked just beautiful for prom.  My baby has grown into a beautiful, smart, loving young woman and I am so proud of her!


  1. wow ..sounds you you have a lot going on in ur life...but look how BEAUTIFUL your daughter is !!!! Thanks for joining our site and I look forward to getting to know you better !

  2. Your daughter looks so pretty! I love how her hair is fixed :)

  3. Wow, she is gorgeous, I love her dress! Yellow is my fav!!!!


    (from FTLOA)


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