
Friday, October 2, 2009

Anniversary Blog Candy!

Yesterday was the last day to comment for my blog candy, thanks to all who stopped by and posted. has spoken and Belinda is my winner. Contact me with your name and address and I'll get your package out to you. Thanks again!

Hello crafting friends. I have some fun stuff to share with you today. My husband and I are celebrating our Anniversary this week. August 29th we will be married 17 years but have been together even longer. I've added one item for each year we have been together to a mailing box. One lucky winner will be winning all of this!

What is all of this you ask...
12X12 Paper Pad by K & Co.
K& Co 13 piece stamp set
Glitter Chipboard letters
to/from cuttlebug folder
Birthday Anniversaries cuttlebug folder
Birds and Swirls Cuttlebug folder
Making Memories 4 packs Garden Party embellies
Making Memories Jigsaw alphabet
Making Memories ribbon words
Making Memories ribbon charms
Making Memories brads
3 packs of Martha Stewart stickers
2 packages mini marks rub ons
3spools offray ribbon
Chunky stamps
2 yards crafts ribbon
Inkadinkado clear stamps Heartful of Love
Inkadinkado clear stamps Gemstone Birds
Papertrey Ink button assortment sample pack (including the newly released colors for August!)

Just wanted to add a note to follow my blog at the very top there is a follow blog icon. You have to be logged into your blog account to follow or copy and past the url into your google reader. HTH!

The deets:
First, if your not already become a follower of my blog.
Second, link this post to your blog to share with all your friend.
And lastly post a comment with a link back to your blog.
Then I'll draw a lucky winner with on September 29th.

Thank for stopping by and good luck!


  1. Hi Joyce:
    Yeay, I think I'm the first person to say Congratulations! Guess what? The 29th is my birthday! I've put up a link to here on my blog
    It's not showing up quite how it should, but it does work. I've also signed up to follow your blog, but for some reason it's not showing up in your followers column.

    Anyway, hope you have a lovely day for your anniversary, and thanks for your generosity!

  2. WOW! What a RAK. You are very generous! Happy Anniversary! I hope it's extra special! Amy Tara

  3. Don't know if it's a bug on my computer, but your post is dated from the 25 october...LOL!
    Happy anniversary. I'm having a look at the blogs of Label Tulip fellows, off to see the rest of yours!

  4. Congratulations, Joyce!!

    I don't know how to follow your blog if you don't have the little gadget on the side.

    I did put a blog post on my blog, though and here's my blog:

  5. Hey Asher,
    Hope you had a great weekend...Get lots of good scrappy stuff...
    Today is my 30th Annv. wow seems like just yesterday, now 3 kids, 2 grandbabies and one one way.. time flys when your havin fun...
    Thanks for your kindness and friendship...

  6. Congratulations Joyce :) Happy Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. I can't figure out how to follow you with no link to follow... hmmm... tech challenged. I check in on you frequently though :) Your candy is being advertised on
    my blog sidebar also.

  7. Hi Joyce, me again; I think I figured out the "follow this blog" thing now. How was your anniversary? I had a lovely day on my birthday, simple and relaxing. Take care!

  8. Congrats and HAppy Anniversary. My hubby and I will be married 18 years on the 29th of this month. Thanks for a chance at some wonderful scrapping goodies.

  9. Happy Anniversary!!!! This is a very great Blog Candy ! I put a link up on my blog, and I signed up to follow your blog.Im glad I found your blog though cuz i love your work =)

    ~*Ashley Lydia*~

  10. Happy Anniversary Joyce and welcome to the Papertrey Princesses group.

  11. Congratulation on your anniversary Joyce, and welcome to the PTI princesses group! Hey, I can't find the "follow my blog" thingie here...

  12. Congrats on your blog-aversary!

    THANKS for stopping by my blog!!
    I am not sure I will be any help on the copics.. I use an HP printer and ink.. and so far it hasnt ran.. I did use my copics and my spicas on them! Have you tried heat setting the ink before.. I tried that the first time.. but havent had to since.. Maybe that would help!
    Sorry I am not more help! I sure do LOVE those digi stamps.. hoping to use some others I just got today! (oh I mean clean the house! LOL!) Thanks again for stopping by!

  14. JOYCE!! I just realized your the NEW Joyce in our PTI group!! WELCOME! I should have said that in my other long winded POST! LOL!
    I will get you added in my PTI blog roll right now!! So glad your gonna play along (and I need to find that post on Nicoles blog about the heating pad.. that is so CUTE!!!)

  15. Happy Anniversary! That is a whole lot of goodies you are giving away!!

  16. Hi there Joyce! How did I miss this? I thought I'd commented. OH, yeah, I'm a dork! LOL! Congrats to you & hubby.

  17. Thanks for the candy Joyce! I already emailed you but I wanted to say thanks again!


Thanks for commenting, they really do brighten my day!