
Monday, November 7, 2016

30 day coloring challenge Week 1


Hello everyone, I'm having so much fun taking the time to color each day.  I hope you can join me.  If you want more information on the challenge visit the beautiful Kathy's Racoosin's blog The Daily Marker.  For several years she has been doing this awesome challenge and it just grows and grows each year.  To play along just upload a card to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #thedailymarker30day.  Here are my cards from the first week.   

I started with this image in my post card coloring book.  
I used spectrum noir colored pencils.  

Next up is the beautiful card with dies from Concord and 9th someone had gifted me.  
The sentiment is PTI. 
I water colored the die cut flowers.  

Next up I decided to color these cute little doggies from Sugar Pea Designs.  
I just love them! 

The Cat's Pajamas challenged us this week to make a tag, or something with a tag. 

I just love this kitty in the big sweater, so I made this tag and sent it off to someone with a little pre Christmas gift already.  

And I couldn't wait to send some happy mail to my card swap partner, so she should be getting this cute little penguin today.  

And I decorated the envelope to send it.  

And there you have my first week of coloring for 10 minutes a day.  I think it was a pretty successful week and lots of fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by and see you next week for my coloring adventure!



  1. Love all the coloring. I came to the blog through Facebook (fellow stroke survivor friend) and want to subscribe by email but couldn't find where to do that - can you help me with that??? Thanks!!!! Sorry if it's right in front of me! :-)

    1. Hello,
      It's on the right hand side, just below the network blog box.
      My blog needs an overhaul, but I don't have the patience to do it.

  2. All are so cute! Love the coloring.

  3. Hi there! I hope the new year is finding you well. Things are getting back on track here. I've even posted to both of my blogs! LOL Hope you'll be crafting soon. Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kel

  4. LOVE these fabby cards!! That pup!! So sweet!

  5. Hey Joyce. Stopping in to say hello and see what you're up to. I hope you're feeling okay and keeping warm. Creative Blessings! Kelly


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