
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

So today is the big day!  The very first day of the rest of your life!  What do you plan to do with it?  I'm not big on resolutions, but I do like a good challenge.  So to start off the new year my plan is to spend a little time each day in my craft room. 

First, I am taking the 100 projects in 100 days challenge at Split Coast Stampers.  And so far so good!  I have my first project to share with you right now. 

This is the first file I made and cut with my Silhouette Cameo.  I'm having so much fun learning how to use the machine and hope to make cut files for all my favorite stamp sets.  These stamps are MFT Happy Harvest, and the little acorn is from Fall Foliage.  I know it looks a little fallish but I tend to make whatever I feel like when I feel like it and just couldn't wait to finally color this little cutie:) 

My Second thing I plan to do this year is take a photo every day. I hope to not only take a photo but to print and get them into a book.  I hope to share those pages as I complete them. 

Lastly I have a Pen Pal from the Studio Calico Forums.  Her name is Megan and by teaming up we hope to share inspiration to help getting some Project Life pages documented.  How fun is that! I can't wait to get to know Megan.  It's hard to keep from dropping quick emails, but the main goal is to actually have an old fashioned type Pen Pal and get things in the mail to her. 

Lastly, I thought I would share with you a few of my December photos. 
Ed and I getting ready for a Christmas party.  With the newest member of our little family. 

Ashlyn and Jaec sharing a Christmas morning smile. 

Me and Ashlyn in our Christmas morning pajamas:) 
Yes we love Santa!


  1. how cool. 100 projects in 100 days. your enthusiasm is contagious. love your pics. i like the idea of a pic a day.getting past just the pic is the hard part for me.happy new year

  2. I think 100 projects in 100 days is like a huge resolution!
    I saw that on SCS, but know I can't do it. I just hope I can keep scrapbooking and making the cards I need. That is huge too! :) Thanks for sharing the fun photos. Happy New Year!

  3. Fun! I love Project Life and am anxious to start. I've still got some catching up to do with 2012 and 2013 but I've got the bulk of both years done! and 2011 is complete. One of my most favorite projects.

  4. Awww! Great photos!!!! congrats on getting your first project done and it's really cute too!

  5. Cute pj's! Great for you for taking up some New Year challenges! I guess I resolve to create at least one scrapbook page this year. I don't believe I did any for 2013!

  6. What a sweet card. Great pics, too.


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